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Institutional Member participating under NEI are required to adhere to the following code of ethics.

  • Should NOT guarantee benefits to student that isactually false or not feasible..
  • Should NOT project insufficiently supported claims ofexcellence in connection with employment.
  • Should NOT involve in any other matter/ action repugnantto the spirit of ethical practices, including, behaviour to/ by thebeneficiaries,unauthorized use of copyrighted software, etc.
  • Should NOT make statements of an ambiguous naturepresenting a false picture in any stage/ part of the scheme of accreditationincluding hardware/ software as also omissions and half-truth.

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Quisque varius vitae dolor eget pellentesque Integer ultricies velitleo vestibulum feugiat mauris sollicitudin porttitor finibus liqultrices metus.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the typesetting when an unknown printerand scrambled.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the typesetting when an unknown printerand scrambled.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the typesetting when an unknown printerand scrambled.

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Etiam ut purus aliquet fermentum libero suscipit its fringilla duionec venenatis orcinon lacus fringilla ace laoreet est fermentum ullam molestie vulputate ours iaculis eterat at ullamcorper dictum risus.

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Dictum idtex euismod bibendum auris idmetus oure ipsum enean placerat aliquet frgillasit amet nisiquis risus auctor posuerequis inerat Sed iaculis tortor its mpurus tincidunt eget placera.

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Etiam ut purus aliquet fermentum libero suscipit its fringilla duionec venenatis orcinon lacus fringilla ace laoreet est fermentum ullam molestie vulputate ours iaculis eterat at ullamcorper dictum risus.

Remaining essentially unchanged.

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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